Faith Based TV

In a world where information comes at us a mile a minute, it is sometimes difficult to find programming that speaks to the complexities of life and the truth concerning God. The Shade Room has cracked the code with its YouTube series “The Same Room.”  With guests such as Adrienne Houghton, Angelica Nwas, Charlamagne tha god and more we get a peek into mainstream entertainers and their relationship with God. The world would like us to believe that most stars deny God when in truth most attribute their success to God.  Check out this incredible series on the link below.

Meditation Monday

As we get closer to the new year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by what could have and should have happened this year. I want to offer a moment of clarity. Stop running from the should of, could of, and would of and focus on what is. You are here now and still, have the opportunity to be celebrated in 2018. The potential that was ignited in you from January could still reign true in December. Don’t give up, you can do it!  Check out the meditation video and let me know what you think. Selah.

A true Father takes the lead

I love my Bishop Holcomb… He just knocked me out of my see with a revelation. So many times in our relationship with God, as Christians, we tend to think that life in Christ means a life without problems when that is not true. Life with Christ means that no matter what situation you are in, God is able to help you!

Bad things happen to all people, but because you have God, you have tools such as increased PEACE and His POWER so that you can handle the bad!!!!


Like this- When you have an understanding that God is greater than your trial or tribulations, you then understand that in God everything will be alright. God extend His power to us so that when trials come, we can rest easy because as Christians we understand the victory is already ours. Now it’s time for you to tell yourself who wins … the enemy which may also be called your situation, or God?  When you choose God, you are taking your hands off of the situation and allowing God to lead. The beauty of God leading is that He is a guaranteed win, there is not a failure in God… Don’t believe me, read your word.

You can go ahead and shout now… that’s life changing information!



#SLiM speak truth live truth

Let Humans be Humans

When I woke up today the scripture in Mark chapter 12:31 was in my heart-

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

When I was praying God told me that we must be reminded that everyone on this earth has had good days, bad days, made mistakes, accomplished something, had a friend, lost a friend, the list can go on and on. But the point is that despite our choices, actions, or lifestyle we as human beings are more alike than different. And we as the people of God have a responsibility to love instead of dehumanizing.

If we are honest, we are quick to justify then forgive ourselves, but can we say the same for our neighbor?  Let’s practice LIVING the Word of God today.  I can know you are a thief and still genuinely care about you getting to know Christ and His love. Will I leave my purse around you…? NO… but I can still be there for you and pray for you. Our differences shouldn’t be a barricade between Gods love and intention for our neighbor. We can do better body of Christ… we Will do better. Peace

Selah #SLiM speak truth live truth

#jonathanmcrenolds- ” I dont want to be EMPTY”

There are some worship experiences that I can not help but post over and over again. So many of us as Christians privately cry out to God to keep our focus on Him so that we can become everything that God wants us to be… but inside we are broken. The world wants us to believe that there is a pain that comes with brokenness, a shame that is enveloped in brokenness, but I’m here to tell you that the devil is a LIE. The word of God says broken is beautiful, and when we abide in God, in a place no one has to know about… Psalms 91 calls it a “secret” place. Then that brokenness, ugliness, un-Christian likeness, can be made whole and beautiful! We all need calibrating in our lives; no one is without fixing and asking for forgiveness.. so with this worship, I want to help someone release themselves from the pressure we sometimes carry in life. Enjoy

#SLiM #intimacychurch

There is fortitude in victory!

There are going to be both high and low days on the road to success. Take each day with fortitude, know where you are going by making a plan … then on the days where your faith is being tried, you can put the vision in front of you and muster up the strength to keep moving. Sometimes you must tell your feelings to take a seat so that you can stand in the midst of your oncoming victory!

Peace… Selah



At peace with yourself

A Christians we can put so much effort into forgiving all of the people who have done wrong by us, only to reject our own imperfections. While it’s important to acknowledge and repent for things we do that are not of God, it is also equally crucial that we then forgive ourselves just as our Heavenly Father does to us.

This year take yourself off of the hook, we are all imperfect in some way, see fault then forgive the fault. The bible says in Matthew 11:28-” come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest.” The bible doesn’t say come to me all who is weary and burdened then take the burden back and hold on to it until your sick, stressed out, and depressed! God is love and he wants you to be free to love not only people around you but YOURSELF!!! Take a moment today to forgive yourself, you’re worth the love you try so hard to show to others.


#SLiM #intimacychurch

Sometimes you just have to get the heck up!

So, I was having one of those days where I’m trying so hard to get my monstrous list of “to-do’s” accomplished, but it is as if cement were in my shoes. I tried listening to my favorite music, reading a little… but nothing I mean NOTHING was getting me in the mood to work!

Just then I realized where I was making my mistake. I was waiting for a “feeling” or emotion to hit me and get me on my way. When the truth of the matter was I just needed to get my butt up and start working.

So that is what I have to say to you guys… Sometimes you just have to get you butt up and start doing. The will to work doesn’t have to feel good today, but it will produce well in your tomorrows.  Peace… Selah

#SLiM @intimacychurch